Posts Tagged ‘literature’

quote for the day..the day which temp was minus 7

meeting you was fate, becoming your friend was a choice, but falling in love with you i had no control.

quote from abrak 😀

fucking schweetttt..aarrghhhh

“thousands of miles you are away
    apart from home, family and love
    different culture and mother tounges
    makes you lonely, gloomy and forlorn
    listen to this my dear,
    i may not be there, i may not be near
    i may be busy, i may be occupied
    but this i can assure you, that you my dear
    will always strive and always survive
    with your strong will and your comforting smile
    I can’t promise you i’ll be there, for that i knew
    is a lie and cheesy line
    but this i can assure you, That my heart will always be there, somewhere in your heart that is
    and with it, attached my prayer for your well being”

thanks to someone who wrote this to me…its fuuuckingly sweet.. my days ahead is glittering…heee

unacceptable writings

i just finished my eis paper. for the whole life, ive been crapping. but today is the ultimate bench mark where i crap the most, the holliest, the most bullshittest. its a kind of feeling you want and got the idea what to write, but you dont know how. u were making sentences using technical words, and try rephrasing the clauses and codes in your own words. it is hard as writing in japaneese character, only that you have the point to write, but dont know how to express using pens and pencils. deng. i admit i wrote a lot in english. most of the time this blog la. i know my english is not that good, but also not that bad. i can virtualize things and crap it on this lcd foolscaps. but when it comes to something very technical and need some official terms and vocabularies, i sense my weaknesses. i am very poor in writing something formal and knowledgable.  bad me, as an engineer to be, this is point where my ability tested. what is the point indulge and master in writing, but not more than crapping. duh. what to say. quite sad actually. i am hoping the examiner could understand my words and not wrongly interpret that, because it may cost me my cgpa that is kacis-kacis mahu tenggelam.

maybe they would say “this student aa, must enjoy blogging soo much. even in exams also want to blog”

and my fyp sv said ” your sentences your report were very informal and untechnical. please rewrite it”

pheww~ haha. inilah akibatnya selalu sgt crapping.

petua mencari jodoh/pasangan/kawan

everyone need others. its a huge lie and deceptive if someone claims “i can live by my own“. yes you may, if you we deserted in an island smaller than basketball court and no human being exist there unless you. do you think you can be happy like that. human nature need others to interact.

but, to find such a friend or buddy or the one, it is not as easy as you may think. you can pick friends here and there, but to find one that can love and treasure and care about you, it takes time and needs a vocab called destiny. agree or not, you need to believe this.

ooh i wrote based on personal experiences. how do you determine a person could be your best friend/buddy/lover? its simple. seriously simple. do you learn about physics, chemistry, literature and moral studies in school? if do, its easier to understand my theory then. if not, you may have to do some literature review on that. what i am discussing below is the quality that you need to figure between you and your friend.

one, same brain frequency. have you heard about professor xavier in the xaviers mutan school. it is the same as my theory. when prof xavier wants to read peoples mind, he need to have the same brain frequency with them. unless, he cant do that. thus it goes with the theory. a good friend can figure out what are the things play in your mind without you have to give hints and clues. he/she can understand your feelings, and your needs even though you say the opposite. have you ever encounter that? well frequency is physics eh…

two, people say, in a relationship you must have chemistry or you will not go further. when you are connecting and interacting to each other, some bonds will be originated. the bonding created is as the same as the bonding between two molecules that attached to each other after some chemical reactions. thus person to person relationship is another type of bonding, and bondings are chemistry…

three, good friends always talk. the talk about things, feelings, craps, jokes, and even share stories and histories. but not anyone can talk to any person. we talk in the same languages, but different tunes. sometime, you may encounter a situation where you were telling a story to a friend, but he cuts you short with unsupportive and stupid feedbacks. it is not her/his fault, but blame the “similar in language, but different in tunes”. not everyone can talk the same way others talk. language is literature…

four, level of concern of goodness and badness of each person is different. this make people differ from each other. think about a pious taxi driver try to make friends with a drunken fashion designer that he happen to drive home one weekend night. impossible they can make friends, unless the taxi driver go to the bar, or the designer go to the mosque. that is what i mean by moral level of a friend. see around your circle of friend, is there anyone who is way too naughty, or way too pious compare to you. think about it. there you go moral studies..

ok class over. please do your homework. make some calculation and evaluate your friend. submit your report tomorrow by 11 in my comments box.

assignment hint: a friend is a person who have same brain frequency with you, have chemistry, talk in the same tunes and evilly equal to you.

subtitle ayat-ayat cinta

pernah tak kamu terdengar atau terbayang orang-orang bermesra dan bericnta dalam bahasa-bahasa ibunda masing masing. bukan bahasa tamil atau kantonis atau jews seperti yang kamu faham, tapi bahasa negeri ataupun loghat tempat masing-masing. dalam melodrama (melodrama = mellow+drama) , biasa kita dengar ayat-ayat puitis penuh bunga dari pelakon-pelakon hati kebun. mungkin juga kamu selalu mengungkapkan nya kepada awek-awek kamu, ataupun balak-balak kamu, tapi pernah tak kamu cuba bercakap cinta dalam bahasa negeri. maksud nya bahasa kelantan, penang, negeri sembilan dan sarawak. mungkin juga boleh dicuba dalam loghat negeri-negeri lain, tapi signifikasi nya kurang umpphh.

[versi kelantam]

tok laki A: awok awok, awok sayye ko sayo ko dop?

gewe B: sayye la. bakpo nye tanyo gitu?

tok laki A: ho la, awok tu duk masey muko jah. maghoh ko sayo ko?

gewe B: nok maghoh bakpo nyo. eh bakpo awok sweet telajok arini?

tok laki A: dok tahu aa. berehi bena tengok muko awok arini. putih lepa, comey pulok.

gewe b: awok ni gata gelenya la..

oh sorry loghat kelantan aku dh kurang menyengat..haha..dulu aku pndai cakap kelantam tau~

[versi penang]

boyfren C: amboiiii. menghelip2 hang ari ni no. kita nak pi makan pasemboq ja pun, bukan nak pi boria

gurlfren D: aii perli nampak. jangan aa lagu tu. segan la cek. yang hang ni elok punya rambut cacak awat nya?

boyfren C: haih takpa aa. sat gi ada oghang nk kidnap hang, senang cek nak tanduk. hang sayang cek x?

gurlfren D: (blushing)..hang ni betui la, sweet cm gula. sayyannngg la nana oi. awat tak caya ka?

boyfren C: bukan x percaya, tapi nk confirm betui-betui ka..

[versi nogori]

balak E: cik nina oi, den ni sayang bona samo ekau. tido malam den mimpi ekau. tido siang den mimpi ekau. makan nasik den teringek kek ekau. ekau lah pujaan hati den, pengarang jantung den, buah hati den. ekau sayang tak kat eden ni nina oii?

awek F: abang jaih aii. kenapo la abang jadi cmtu. sodih bona den donga eh. den pon samo la. siang malam muko abang bermain depan mato den ni ha. kalau boleh la, den dh x soba-soba nak nikah ni abang jaih oii. copek la masuk minang. kang lambek mak den cayi oghang lain…

sorry for crapping. aku belasah je tulih cmtu. lantak la salah ke x. hope nobody offended eh. just sgt buhsan n malas nk berbuat apa-apa. kalau boleh naik cameron mlm-mlm cmni kan bagus~ heee~

sebab itulah mereka bikin cerita ‘love is cinta’

aku berbicara/bercakap dengan seorang teman tentang cinta, kasih-sayang dan perasaan. banyak yang dibualkan, dan bermacam-macam pendapat dilontarkan, bersama argument2 yang mencetuskan lebih banyak idea untuk didebatkan. sampailah kami pada satu persoalan.

i love you


saya sayang awak

apa bedanya?

entahlah, bunyinya bagai serupa. tapi maksudnya jauh sekali. kalau ditenung-tenung, seseorang itu berkata “saya sayang awak” pada orang teristimewanya, apakah maksud betulnya. adakah maksud sayang itu seperti ibu menyayangi anak, ataupun seorang suami yang menyayangi isteri.

eh same je kan due-due tu?

tidak. lain sekali. kasih ibu kepada anak berbeda sekali dengan kasih suami terhadap isteri. kasih ibu berlandaskan didikan, asuhan dan harapan yang ditumpahkan kepada anak. tapi kasih suami lebih kepada kepercayaan, kesefahaman dan intimasi antara satu sama lain.

betulkah begitu?

ya. benar sekali. tapi ia susah untuk dihuraikan dengan kata-kata. kata orang, sayang itu subjektif. tapi bagi aku, love is more than sayang. kalau di-direct-translate-kan memang lah sama maksud nya, tapi seorang teman yang lebih expert kata, i love you=saya cinta awak, bukan saya sayang awak. aku juga termakan kata-kata nya.

entahlah, cinta/sayang/perasaan hati itu complicated. hanya empunya badan lebih memahami dan mengerti.


oh satu lagi. untuk pengetahuan semua, andaikata tidak tahu. kita tak perlu bayar semua saman polis/jpj untuk buat renew roadtax or hidupkan lesen. system mereka tidak sebodoh utp, kene bayar saman sebelum buat sticker baru. adalah sorang mamat tu, x renew lesen sebab igt kene bayar saman dlu. igt jpj tu sama ngn pakgad utp ek? 🙂

salam lebaran

note: the title of this post doesn’t inter-related with its content 🙂

my obsession when ramadhan comes, and it is approaching eid is to read lebaran greetings online, either on utusan malaysia or kosmo or whatever newspaper. most of the greetings (yes together with picture) was from malaysian who stays in foreign land to study, work or any. morning routine, i will open the websites, and read their messeges, and find any fammiliar faces from my school friends, seniors or juniors. i am happy to see them being abroad, while at the same time sharing the feeling of not being home on eid with family.

while browsing on some messeges sent by many, i had encounter with this one little blog. it was from some ladies i dont know who, but i love to read her writings. it was actually blog that she made for her two young children. she is a doctorate student in psychology, and the way she raise her children was all written in the blog. her children was two most lucky son in the world. it is hard for me to describe more about the blog, and if you want to know better, do read them.

the blog’s name was “for you my kids”, by dr alya zara. credit to her, if she happened to read mine.

saya rasa bersalah

semalam, kelas terakhir kami bersama dr rashid untuk semester ini. dan semalam jugalah waktu dimana kami telah mengecewakan harapannya. dr rashid meletakkan suatu harapan yang tinggi pada kami sekelas, tapi kami tidak mencapai kehendaknya. dalam kelas semalam, dia banyak mengeluh, menggunakan ayat-ayat sinis dan meluahkan perasaannya. bukan kami tidak faham, tapi kami sengaja mendiamkan diri. malu. apa boleh buat, salah kami juga.

dia berharap kami dapat menyudahkan projek enjin itu sebelum semester tamat, tapi kami mengterbengkalaikan projek itu. dia mahu kami membuat analisa haba terbebas dalam laporan makmal, tapi tidak seorang pun melalukannya. dia hampa. tapi, dalam kekecewaannya, dia tetap memberikan yang terbaik untuk kami. beberapa panduan dan tunjuk ajar untuk soalan peperiksaan akhir dalam kelas itu menjadikan kami lebih bersemangat untuk mendapat keputusan paling cemerlang.

terima kasih dr rashid. kami tahu kami malas, degil, lewat dan banyak karenah, tapi kami betul-betul bersemangat untuk melakukan yang terbaik dalam peperiksaan ini. doakan kami. kami mahu ucapkan terima kasih, dan memohon seribu kemaafan, tapi mulut kami kelu, kerana senyumanmu yang penuh makna itu.

(saya sangat lemah menggunakan bahasa melayu sekarang. saya perlu membuka kamus untuk menterjemahkan perkataan inggeris ke dalam bahasa melayu. malunya saya. tapi itu yang terbaik mampu saya lakukan. hilangkah jatidiri saya? sy masih melayu, tapi…)

a bird and cow shit

a bird was flying in the winter. it was so cold the bird froze and fell to thr ground into a large field. while he was lying, a cow came by and dropped some dung on him. as the frozen bird lay there in the pile of cow dung, he began to realize how warm he was. the dung actually thawing him out! he lay there all warm and happy, and soon began to sing for joy. a passing cat heard the sound and came to investigate. following the sound,the cat discovered the bird under the pile of dung, and promptly dug him out and ate him.

what is the moral of the story?

1. not everyone who shits on you is your enemy.

2. not everyone who get you out of shit is your friend.

3. and when you’re in a deep shit, it’s best to keep your mouth shut!

p/s: i’ve prepared the jokes for the toastmaster in pcs class, but it was cancelled due to time restrain. so sad haha

kenapa saya tidak menulis blog dalam bahasa melayu?

ini merupakan blog pertama saya yang ditulis dalam bahasa melayu, dan saya berasa sangat pelik serta kekok. bukan bermakna saya telah melupakan asal usul saya, ataupun bahasa ibunda saya, tapi sejak beberapa tahun ini, saya lebih selesa menulis dalam bahasa inggeris. adakah itu bermakna saya telah hilang jatidiri dan tidak lagi mementingkan bahasa melayu dalam kehidupan seharian saya?

tidak, sama sekali tidak. saya pasti akan ada orang yang akan menggelarkan saya lupa daratan atau hilang keperibadian. saya mengakui hal itu. saya berasa amat lemah dalam penggunaan bahasa melayu. saya pasti, segala ilmu yang diajarkan di sekolah, berkenaan bahasa melayu telah saya lupakan. dan saya pasti guru bahasa melayu saya pasti kecewa dengan keadaan saya sekarang.

tapi, tidakkah anda rasa, tulisan saya ini berbunyi pelik dan aneh serta ajaib. ia tidak sedap untuk dibaca, dan perkara pertama yang anda rasa bila membaca blog ini adalah “ape ke jadah nye mamat ni tulis“. saya akui itu. dan, adakah anda sedar, bahawa anda sendiri berkeadaan seperti saya. anda merasakan bahasa melayu ini sesuatu yang sukar dan aneh. itulah hakikatnya yang kita harus sedar. bahasa melayu tidak lagi menjadi bahasa utama kita, dan kemelayuan kita semakin terhakis hari demi hari.

saya akan tinggalkan persoalan ini untuk anda berfikir. saya akan kembali dengan sambungan untuk karangan kali ini pada masa akan datang.