Posts Tagged ‘exams’

kami yg kacak selepas exam




just after the last paper. there are six of us taking the paper, but hafifi didn’t wore baju sepasang. and syuk left early. tinggallah 4 orang budak auto, plus fareez yang habis paper pagi tu juga.


irc tempat kami study. we will miss those sofas


kak, kami nk pulang buku…dh xnak pinjam lg dh..sbb kami dh grad!!!


posing maut depan chancellor hall



sedih, sbb dh kene mula ucap selamat tinggal….~!

tak sempat dan careless

peringatan untuk semua!!!

sila jangan careless dalam membaca soalan dan jawab soalan seberapa pantas yang mungkin kalau kamu tahu jawapannya. jangan tangguh-tangguhkan dan bersenang lenang.

kalau tidak, kamu akan jadi macam saya!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hilang 24 markah solid sebab careless dan tak cukup masa!!!! aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!! nyesal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

unacceptable writings

i just finished my eis paper. for the whole life, ive been crapping. but today is the ultimate bench mark where i crap the most, the holliest, the most bullshittest. its a kind of feeling you want and got the idea what to write, but you dont know how. u were making sentences using technical words, and try rephrasing the clauses and codes in your own words. it is hard as writing in japaneese character, only that you have the point to write, but dont know how to express using pens and pencils. deng. i admit i wrote a lot in english. most of the time this blog la. i know my english is not that good, but also not that bad. i can virtualize things and crap it on this lcd foolscaps. but when it comes to something very technical and need some official terms and vocabularies, i sense my weaknesses. i am very poor in writing something formal and knowledgable.  bad me, as an engineer to be, this is point where my ability tested. what is the point indulge and master in writing, but not more than crapping. duh. what to say. quite sad actually. i am hoping the examiner could understand my words and not wrongly interpret that, because it may cost me my cgpa that is kacis-kacis mahu tenggelam.

maybe they would say “this student aa, must enjoy blogging soo much. even in exams also want to blog”

and my fyp sv said ” your sentences your report were very informal and untechnical. please rewrite it”

pheww~ haha. inilah akibatnya selalu sgt crapping.