Posts Tagged ‘politics’

malang nasib tanah airku tergadai lagi

oh! i just return from singapore for a 3 days holiday. yeah it was really fun and aspiring to see how far that small island developed more than us. honestly,we are far-far left behind. the infrastructure, public transport, and the mentality of the people itself.

being in singapore for few days gave me an opportunity for me to see malaysia from a different view. people outside malaysia have their own interpretation of malaysia. they condemn our PM, and write about how ignorance malaysian people who burn down churches because of the God’s name usage. its all being well narrated in the newspapers, and from singapore’s “The New Straight Times” on 11 Jan, i knew that our beloved land in wilayah pembangunan iskandar in johor was sold to singaporean for forever.

its the fact actually. the headlines says, more than 40% of houses in wilayah pembangunan iskandar belong to singaporeans. they proudly say they can afford to buy such houses, and make it their weekends homes.  the houses was sold on freehold agreement, which means there is no way we can get back that piece of land. i was all disappointed when reading those articles. our people put their money from the tax impose on us to build good roads and schools, but the one who get the benefits is the foreigners who have more money than us.

where is the promise to develop and bring up johor people before? whatever happening today seems to benefits outsiders, whilst our own local people being left behind in their status quo.

i still remember my history teacher once told me the history of johor. sultan johor sold his land to Englishman in return to their support to win the civil war between him and his brother. he did that because of his benefits. and now it seems the history repeat itself. because of some people own benefit, our land  tergadai lagi.

the protest and manifestation

jelajah eropah aku kali ini penuh dengan seribu pengalaman berharga. dengan mendebik dada, aku berani laungkan tiada siapa di tanah malaysia mampu menandingi pengalaman berharga yang aku peroleh. tengok saja tajuk post ni, tentu kamu dapat sedikit klu tentang apa yang aku bakal tulis bukan. oh sebelum itu, untuk kamu-kamu yang kurang ambil tahu tentang isu semasa dan keadaan dunia, sila maklum bahawa pergolakan di palestin semakin parah sekarang. hey mesti kamu ambil tahu hal-hal begitu. sibuk diwar-warkan dalam berita dan akhbar di malaysia bahawa semakin ramai rakyat palestin dibunuh. bagi aku, bagaimana besar pun isu dan sengketa, nyawa bukan lah mainan. segala masalah boleh diselesaikan. pasti ada caranya. kenapalah mereka tidak berfikir begitu.


oh gambat diatas aku capture di brussels. dihadapan european council bulding. tempat bersidang segala bapak-bapak negara persatuan eropah. dekat juga bangunan itu dengan hotel penginapan aku. masyarakat muslim berpiket dan menyatakan protest mereka terhadap diskriminasi undang-undang di iran. lantang sekali  dilaungkan pendirian merekam tanpa rasa takut dan gentar. sepanjang pagi sehingga tiba waktu jumaat mereka berpiket. aku kagum, cuma aku terlalu ingin segera pagi itu untuk mengejar bas. kalau tidak, pasti aku tunggu untuk tahu kesudahannya.

perhimpunan manifestasi sokongan terhadap palestin dan bantahan terhadap kekejaman israel di paris

100_1696hari sabtu, 3 januari 09. aku ke paris dengan aiman telo. tujuan, pusing-pusing ambil gambar dan berhajat mahu membeli-belah. tapi tujuan utama, untuk sertai perhimpunan menghantar manifestasi sokongan terhadap palestin dan rakyatnya. perarakan bermula di republique dan berakhir 3.4 km kemudian di saint augustin.


berpuluh ribu rakyat perancis turun memenuhi jalan. dari segala bangsa, agama dan umur. warna rambut dan kulit bukan menjadi ukuran. yang pasti, mereka bersama-sama benci dan menentang kekejaman rejim israel di palestin. human awareness mereka sangat tinggi aku rasa. rasa kemanusiaan dalam diri mereka melangkaui batasan agama dan bangsa. mereka sama-sama simpati terhadap nasib masyarakat palestin.

100_1724ini gambar golongan yahudi di paris. dari sepanduk dan laungan mereka aku dapat rasakan mereka juga amat benci apa yang dilakukan rejim yahudi di palestin. tengok lah, sedangkan mereka juga benci kekejaman begitu, tapi kita sebagai umat islam sesaudara tidak pun ambil endah. hey cuba pikirkan balik. golongan yahudi ini patutnya menyokong pihak mereka, tapi sebaliknya. kita pula bagaimana?


bendera palestin yang dikibar dan diarak penuh semangat



lautan manusia memenuhi segenap pelusuk jalan






honestly, aku begitu bersemangat petang itu. adrenalin banyak sekali naik ke kepala. kadang-kadang meremang bulu tengkuk mendengar laungan dan semangat yang ditunjukkan. petang itu sejuk sekali, mungkin kurang lagi dari takat beku suhunya. tapi ia tidak mematahkan semangat orang-orang yang cintakan keamanan dan sayangkan sesama manusia dari bersatu menyatakan pendirian mereka.

sungguh ia pengalaman berharga buat aku. tengok saja gambar-gambar di atas. bukan senang mahu ketemu perhimpunan sebegitu. oh, mungkin di malaysia bisa buat begitu? aku tidak berani ambil risiko. sebab? banyak sangat larangan dan undang-undang nonsense yang konon nya untuk mengekalkan keamanan, tapi sebenarnya mengongkong kebebasan bersuara orang ramai.  walaupun apa yang ingin disuarakan itu betul dan semua orang tahu kebenarannya.

its the news

when i read the sunday’s newspaper last night, i found that a lot of interesting news, topics, issues and gossips that i cold share here and throw out my oppinions about them. i am nekad (read nekad, not naked) to use the freedom of voice/speeches in Malaysia in a good way so that my writings can keep people aware and updated about things happening in our country nowadays.

the selections of umno’s top post

eversince i can remember, there is not so much news about pemilihan umno or anything related to the selok-belok politik dalaman umno previous years. tapi tahun ni, sume mende turn out to be the topic of interest. cm pelik pulak. mase tun m letak jawatan dlu, leks je sume orang. tapi tahun ni, sengit gle. mungkin meraikan kemeriahan datuk a turun kerusi agaknya. but i wonder, kenapa semua ahli-ahli umno nk sibuk-sibuk cari publisiti sekarang, selama 5 tahun datuk a memegang kuasa, mereka tidak berbunyi pun. mungkinkah mereka mahu menonjolkan diri, supaya dalam era pemerintahan datuk n nanti, mereka dapat lebih banyak projek/title/pengaruh. ye la kan, datuk n kan terkenal dengan sikap favours people he likes. berita tv juga sangat bosan. the first 10minutes of tv3 new was full of updates about this bahagian calonkan sipolan, this cawangan nominate sipolan-polan. tah ape-ape tah. canang berbunyi dihulu hilir, beduk diketuk dilaut darat, tapi entah dimana sipemainnya bila dicari dperhati. memang tipikal politician lah..

datukship to the khan

ni satu lagi issue pelik/aneh dan penuh spekulasi. ramai sedia tahu, gelaran datuk/tan sri/datuk seri/tun or whatever was awarded to people that contributes things to country, community and people. it works like that, and thats the point malaysian should be proun of because titles was rarely given in honouring people in other country. yer2 saya tau, ade datukship yang boleh dibeli dengan duit lima puluh ribu. tapi isu itu tolak ketepi la sebab itu lame untuk diperkata dalam dunia royalty/politik yang penuh dengan duit ini. si shah rukh khan ni, is he deserve to get titles from the malacca government? ape die dh buat yg besar sangat smpai dpt gelaran begitu? bodoh betul orang yang kasi/rancang mende tu. banyak lagi artis atau ahli budaya/seni yang lebih layak and berhak. entah lah, nak kata die beli gelaran tu, buat apa die ade datuk pon. that datuk thing is useless anyway for him, since die dh dpt honour way higher than that. oh mungkin juga die dapat datuk sebab si pemberi/perancang anugerah tu nak jumpe die and mintak autograf didada sebab die fanatik shah rukh khan? fetish!! haha. hamek kau, SRK x dtg pon mase ceremony tu. kalau diorang berkeras juga nk beri juga datukship tu kat SRK, aku nk claim gak datukship to my super junior yang 13 orang tu, sebab derang wat video klip kat msia (klcc, putrajaya and melaka) jugak, dan lain-lain artis jepun yang shoot movie kat malaysia yang cantik ni 😀

oil price drops to $78 dolars setong

harga minyak turun lagi, berikutan kegawatan dan krisis ekonomi di us (which i read and do not understand about it at all pity me 😦 ). and it drops to the half of the price highest recorded in september. and this current price is the lowest since september 2007. like i said before, i dont really understand what is going on with worlds ecomony, but the failures and problems in united states top financial instituition makes people dont spend and save their money. when people spend less, there will be less in demand, so the oil price will be lowered to increase the demand back. and the us goverment injected 700 billion usd to restore those financial instituition so that their economy becomes more stable. as the oil price is a big factor in country’s ecenomy, it will drop down too la as kemelesetan berlaku. lebih kurang gitulah yang aku paham. aku bukan pakar ekonomi, bukan penganalisis kewangan. nk tau lebih lanjut tanyalah anas (KL) atau nordin (UK). mereka bakal pakar-pakar ekonomi. dan kalau salah aku salah ,tolong betulkan yah

minyak dh turun, tapi harga minyak masih lagi dua ratus empat puluh lima sen seliter

its 18th of sept already

i just like it when someone was really annoy when i tease them about the new government. the date 16 sept was being said as the turning point, or the date a new ruling power will be born. but nothing happen. seriously, i am looking for any political drama that could be happening that day, but till today (yeah it was 18th already), not so much things to talk about.


actually, for me myself, there is no impact or effect political change in this country to me. it is not that i am a robot, who doesnt care about them at all, but i am a far observant. i am pity for those pak matrop (pkr fan) and haji sudin (umno fanatics) in kampung tersusun who was bergaduh and bermasam-muka to each other because of the lawan-party issue. i am kesian tgk one of my friend who is shouting “kite tengok la 16 sept ni” repeatedly. after all, everyone was dissapointed. xde ape pon jadi….


they said i am an activist. say whatever. i dont care, as long as i know where i stood. why i am not surprised with all those jokes and propaganda? i am not a fan of propaganda. i like to see the real/ proven things happen before i can put my believe and trust upon something. both sides talk loud, barking this, these and those. ahh crap. politicians, biasa lah. mana-mana pon sama. why dont you prove some thing first then canang it all around. it is much better that promising here and there, but turn up, xde ape gak jadi… then they give reasons, create storyies bla bla bla to disguise the promise they made up earlier. come on la people. i started to believe in new side after losing my trust in another side, but that new side also proved that they are no more than politicians as well. crapp lagi…

sudah la, penat dengan drama-drama politic and sarat dengan konflik, konspirasi dan khabar-khabar angin. kita tengok je lah, apa nak jadi. dlm kapasiti aku ni, student biasa, anak orang biasa, rakyat biasa, berbual bertekak smpai ke pagi pun, xde apa yang jadi…buat penat je bergaduh…politik, biasalah…esok dh 19 sept pon…


oh btw, aritu aku memasak nasik lemak. sahur. sedap juga. lepas la spec orang bujang. seronok lihat kawan-kawan selera makan. mungkin tiada sambal sotong, kurma ayam dan rendang kerang, tapi telur rebus dan sambal bilis dh lebih dari cukup. panas-panas berasap di kala sahur. nikmat betul. bahagia aku tengok teman-teman makan air tangan aku sendiri. terima kasih en nasrul kerana jadi pembantu setia didapur. cuma idea bertinggung atas dapur tepi periuk masih tidak boleh diterima. tengok la gmbar-gambar yang sempat lensa camera bob rakamkan.

beras-santan-halia n bawang-daun pandan-garam secukup rasa; rebuskan aje semua dalam periuk. bukan susah sangat..

cili boh-ikan bilis-bawang-asam jawa-gula-garam; tumis bawang ngn cili boh smpai garing, masukkan asam jawa, gula dan garam, last sekali ikan bilis. goreng la sikit smpai kuah kering..

telur nas 2 biji, telur maini 2 biji, roshan 2, aku 2..gross x?

ini lah akibat melawan ckp mak, org tua ckp jangan menyanyi di dapur, bukan jgn duduk atas dapur..

hasil setelah 1 jam berdapur di kala sahur…puas hati gak la

tetamu kenamaan dari rumah bawah dan sebelah..maaflah, makan atas lantai je

oh..chopper kesayangan..setia meneman aku didapur, menunggu habuan ikan bilis la tu….

2009 budget

i think by now, i (or we) should be aware and take notice about the national annual budget. on the friday afternoon, dsaab (datuk seri abdullah ahmad badawi) had presented the 2009 budget in the house of malaysian parliament. i just want to highlight a few things that i consider most of us should know. unless i am writing this, some of us dont even bother of knowing anything about next year’s budget, because for some of us (around my circle of life), they prefer to read blogs than reading about budget in the newspaper. here i am, you read my blog, and you know a little bit about budget.

1. rm35 billion was allocated to improve public transport system in the next 5 years. that include 42km lrt track from kota damansara to cheras, repairing and purchasing new commuter coach, and increase the number of public busses. but yg tak masuk akal nya, sume improvement tertumpu di kawasan bandar besar shj. ape cerite bas buruk di felda serting hilir, dan feri bocor di hulu simunjan, sarawak? kesian orang2 kampung…

2. for houses that uses electricity less than rm20 per month, no bill will be incurred. so let do not use light at night, and dont use fan at all. ya lah, kalo tak mesti lebih rm20 sebulan..

3. 3 cents tax increases for each cigarette. means 60 cents increase for each box of 20. i dont bother, i dont smoke haha

4. higher tax rebate up to rm400. those with rm35000 annual income or below, they will be benefited.

5. disabled/poor will get rm720 for welfare eligibility. and minimum rm720 pension for government retiree that served 25 years and above. my grandpa will have a lot after this, lets pow him

6. 110 primary, 181 secondary schools will be build. 13 existing polytechnics will be upgraded with rm150mil allocation.

7. incentive amounting rm5.6bil for agriculture based people.

8. tax exemptions for renewable energy and energy efficient item, including hybrid car. means after this you can get honda civic hybrid for rm100k (it was rm175k with tax)

9. rm220mil to build police headquarters, more than 25k new policemen will be recruited. hopefully the duit kopi issue can be reduced

there are a lot more, but it doesnt really concern us. there are a lot of response from state leaders, political people and ministers about the budget. some say agree, some say it was fulled with political strategy. as long as it benefits us all, then ok la…sile amek tahu pasal budget and cuurent issue in malaysia yer kawan-kawan sekelian

for full text, click disini

welcome to the house

this morning, dsai will step his foot in the house of parliament for the first time since nearly 10 years ago.

following the succes in the permatang pauh mp election. result?

Pilihanraya Kecil 26 Ogos 2008
Anwar 31,195 undi
Ariff Syah 15,524 undi
Hanafi 92 undi
majoriti undi 15,671
Peratus Keluar Mengundi 80.00 peratus

dsai majority is more than ariff’s polls

read here and here

dsai winning may change the malaysian politics script and storyline. lets just wait and see. there are pros and contras of everything, and may the best option victories.

bnyk lg nk ckp sbnrnye, tapi takut kene igak

sodomy confession

thanks to buchari, and borr for the rides to kl this evening. we moved at 530 something, and arrived around 930 at my uncle’s house.

and there’s a shocking news we heard at the ulu bernam r&r (we stop to pray actly)…

saiful bukhari confess (or bersumpah) with alquran that he was sodomised by anwar. deng. honestly, we didn’t have any intention to stop at the r&r to hear that buletin utama prime story, but we were paused (just in time at 8) when we saw saiful’s confession on news.

abeda la anwar..

the confession was absolute, terang, and no hindrance in his words. he spelled out everything, to every details (segan gle nk tulih kat sini), and it was a tamparan hebat to anwar. i cannot accused who and whom, but that sumpah matters is not something that we can play with. he even bersumpah with his family’s name, and if he lied, his generation also will be laknat by Allah. subhanallah.

i stood, pandang bu, and we geleng2 kepala. and from that moment, every single person in malaysia i assume will talk about that. even when i was in the toilet, just after that, i heard someone in the oku’s gents talk loudly on phone “aku x percaya anwar buat mende tu, lantak la ape orang nak cakap”, clear and in high voice. amazed, and smile to myself, i left the person with his important toilet conversation to perform maghrib+isyak.

as usual, my topic of discussion with my uncle is politic. and his view about things were really open my eyes. sadly, i cannot write it here because my uncle’s story (he got a lot of friends of friends both in business and politics) is confidential and i better kept it to myself, for my own safety reason haha. but quoting two points from him…”knape anwar je kene tangkap, sedangkan mende tu suka sama suka”, and “knape rosmah and najib tak ambik tindakan to bersihkan nama derang (bawak kes ke mahkamah), when raja petra said that rosmah was there at the place where altantuya was exploded”.

too many questions unanswered, and the curiosity of people in malaysia will make the current ruling party fall anytime. justice is nowhere. corruption is everywhere. and truth is somewhere to be revealed.


p/s: maybe i will need to delete this post later, please read it carefully before my blog was suspended or being deleted. mode: risking myself to the gillotin.

ringgit malaysia 200k for car repair? crapp!!!

nonsense gle!!

ade ke logik dan boleh diterima akal, baiki kereta lebih mahal dari harga kereta sendiri.

sape la yang bodoh sangat pegi baiki kereta macam tu. baik tukar baru je.

die ingat die sorang je ke yg pakai kereta kat malaysia ni.

jangan sangka orang tak tahu, semua bil, resit dan figure yang dikeluarkan itu, direka dan dirancang penuh teliti.

untuk menutup segala tuduhan dan rasuah yang dilakukan.

ceh. politik sekarang, tidak boleh dipercaya lansung. nonsense!!!

the quitting of our chancellor

last afternoon, we had heard about the quitting of tun mahathir from umno. it was a shocking news, and every single man who pay their attention to malaysian politic drama will be questioned by the tun’s decisions. i heard that from the news, and i read about it his blogs, and the other reliable source. as a neutralist, i just observe what was happened, and predicting what will happen next, to the malaysian political scenario.

being and observant doesn’t mean i dont care, but i didn’t have the say, plus i can’t do anything about it in my power now. lets just see. i wish i could write something here. throw out my oppinion, and discuss it, but my roomate said ‘ko jgn pam, kang kene tangkap kang’. it’s true, and i admit it. lets just be frank and maybe if i have the courage, i will write something about.


tun is our chancellor. his presence in utp for convocation is a tradition, and i wonder what will happen next to our university. we are private uni, but yes, we still rolls under government, and petronas is a part of government. i am hoping that the political issue will not be brought into the uni adminstration and affect the whole thing. i wish tun will appear this coming convocation ceremony in august, and hand out the scrolls.

duh, i dont know what happen, and i wish i did not involve in it. during the hrh raja dr nazrin public lecture, the perak state government officials, including the new menteri besar was not present. and the sponsorship for titian budi was drawn back from their funds because it happened to be organized it in selangor.before the election, the titian budi was totally sponsored. think about it. politics? administration? crap…