demam demam denggi

apalah malang nasib badan. malam earth hour, orang sebok berlari dan bermain skate, aku terbongkang baring kat taman klcc, mengikutkan si chambenotai celebrate earth hour katenye. hasil? aku gak yang meringkuk kat spital akibat denggi.

ok since aku baru bangkit demam denggi, meh sini nak share sket. symptom, indicator and counter measure if korang kene denggi.


  1. demam sekejap2. panas badan, restless and pening for few hours, then after tido. ok sket. then jadi balik berulang2 selama 3-4 hari. headache.
  2. sakit tekak yang berpanjangan. minum tak selesa, makan sakit, batuk mmg seksa gile lah.
  3. bleeding gums bile everytime korang gosok gigi.
  4. sakit sendi. sangat lenguh and sengal2 bile move sendi2 secara rapid. pain in bones
  5. rasa gatal and ade rashes merah2 kat lymp area. bawah ketiak, pangkal peha, betis and badan.
  6. vomiting and diarrhea. kahak berdarah juga.


  1. bile pegi spital, dr akan check external sign. rashes kat tangan n kaki. then tekak dan lidah akan jadi merah.
  2. dr akan buat full blood count. indication paling mudah for dengue is reducing in platelet count in your blood. normal count for healthy person is around 150-450 (thousands), whilst if it falls below 130 there is possibilities for dengue. and if below 100, you’ll be admitted to hospital. my case, the platelet count was 71,000 per mm3 of my blood.
  3. increasing hematocrit

counter measure

  1. since demam denggi ni takde ubat, kalo g spital pun dr akan masukkan IV drip je so self-care is very important. drink a lot of water, plain water. at least 3 litres every 12 hours.
  2. drink a lot of 100 plus or other isotonic drinks. this viral fever will absorb a lot of fluids from your blood, so replenishing of  body fluid is vital. the easiest way is 100 plus la.
  3. avoid scratching your skin because if your skin bleeds, it gonna take long before it will stop bleeding. since the platelet (agen pembeku darah) dh kurang kan.
  4. most of the death cause from dengue is not because of hemorrhage, but because of dehydration.

last of all, don’t take your fever lightly. dengue can be fatal after few days. do seek medical attention if you had fever, and insist on doing blood test. kalau nak lg confirm, do dengue rapid test.

balik rumah, sila basuh semua bekas2 yang ada possibility tempat pembiakan jentik2. jangan jadi lebai malang mcm aku, dh la kene denggi, kene pulak saman rm500 sbb dalam flush tank ade jentik2. alahai nasib.

5 responses to this post.

  1. Posted by sally on April 25, 2010 at 10:35 pm

    Hi there, may I know how is the Denggi Saman letter?U still keeping the saman thingy?is it publish from Ministry of Health Malaysia?
    Hope to hear from u soon..



  2. Posted by kartini hanapi on February 25, 2011 at 4:13 pm

    assalammualaikum..saya baru semalam balik dari hospital..juga kerana denggi..memang meninggalkan trauma yg maha dahsyat…saya juga mengalami apa yg saudara alami…platelet masa masuk 59 je..n dia beri keluar selepas platelet makin naik..alhamdulilah..dah makin sihat.


  3. Posted by nirzan on February 26, 2011 at 7:01 pm

    wslm. syukurlah dah selamat. u need to be very careful after this, since if it comes back for second time, the effect will be much severe


  4. Posted by nismo on September 5, 2011 at 9:50 am

    tq sesgt ,,about hubby kene dmm denggi 1hati before raya..


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