Posts Tagged ‘oil price’

its the news

when i read the sunday’s newspaper last night, i found that a lot of interesting news, topics, issues and gossips that i cold share here and throw out my oppinions about them. i am nekad (read nekad, not naked) to use the freedom of voice/speeches in Malaysia in a good way so that my writings can keep people aware and updated about things happening in our country nowadays.

the selections of umno’s top post

eversince i can remember, there is not so much news about pemilihan umno or anything related to the selok-belok politik dalaman umno previous years. tapi tahun ni, sume mende turn out to be the topic of interest. cm pelik pulak. mase tun m letak jawatan dlu, leks je sume orang. tapi tahun ni, sengit gle. mungkin meraikan kemeriahan datuk a turun kerusi agaknya. but i wonder, kenapa semua ahli-ahli umno nk sibuk-sibuk cari publisiti sekarang, selama 5 tahun datuk a memegang kuasa, mereka tidak berbunyi pun. mungkinkah mereka mahu menonjolkan diri, supaya dalam era pemerintahan datuk n nanti, mereka dapat lebih banyak projek/title/pengaruh. ye la kan, datuk n kan terkenal dengan sikap favours people he likes. berita tv juga sangat bosan. the first 10minutes of tv3 new was full of updates about this bahagian calonkan sipolan, this cawangan nominate sipolan-polan. tah ape-ape tah. canang berbunyi dihulu hilir, beduk diketuk dilaut darat, tapi entah dimana sipemainnya bila dicari dperhati. memang tipikal politician lah..

datukship to the khan

ni satu lagi issue pelik/aneh dan penuh spekulasi. ramai sedia tahu, gelaran datuk/tan sri/datuk seri/tun or whatever was awarded to people that contributes things to country, community and people. it works like that, and thats the point malaysian should be proun of because titles was rarely given in honouring people in other country. yer2 saya tau, ade datukship yang boleh dibeli dengan duit lima puluh ribu. tapi isu itu tolak ketepi la sebab itu lame untuk diperkata dalam dunia royalty/politik yang penuh dengan duit ini. si shah rukh khan ni, is he deserve to get titles from the malacca government? ape die dh buat yg besar sangat smpai dpt gelaran begitu? bodoh betul orang yang kasi/rancang mende tu. banyak lagi artis atau ahli budaya/seni yang lebih layak and berhak. entah lah, nak kata die beli gelaran tu, buat apa die ade datuk pon. that datuk thing is useless anyway for him, since die dh dpt honour way higher than that. oh mungkin juga die dapat datuk sebab si pemberi/perancang anugerah tu nak jumpe die and mintak autograf didada sebab die fanatik shah rukh khan? fetish!! haha. hamek kau, SRK x dtg pon mase ceremony tu. kalau diorang berkeras juga nk beri juga datukship tu kat SRK, aku nk claim gak datukship to my super junior yang 13 orang tu, sebab derang wat video klip kat msia (klcc, putrajaya and melaka) jugak, dan lain-lain artis jepun yang shoot movie kat malaysia yang cantik ni 😀

oil price drops to $78 dolars setong

harga minyak turun lagi, berikutan kegawatan dan krisis ekonomi di us (which i read and do not understand about it at all pity me 😦 ). and it drops to the half of the price highest recorded in september. and this current price is the lowest since september 2007. like i said before, i dont really understand what is going on with worlds ecomony, but the failures and problems in united states top financial instituition makes people dont spend and save their money. when people spend less, there will be less in demand, so the oil price will be lowered to increase the demand back. and the us goverment injected 700 billion usd to restore those financial instituition so that their economy becomes more stable. as the oil price is a big factor in country’s ecenomy, it will drop down too la as kemelesetan berlaku. lebih kurang gitulah yang aku paham. aku bukan pakar ekonomi, bukan penganalisis kewangan. nk tau lebih lanjut tanyalah anas (KL) atau nordin (UK). mereka bakal pakar-pakar ekonomi. dan kalau salah aku salah ,tolong betulkan yah

minyak dh turun, tapi harga minyak masih lagi dua ratus empat puluh lima sen seliter