durian di uitm

alkisah pada suatu petang, ada empat orang jejaka tampan (eh silap tiga orang sahaja njejaka tampan, seorang lagi cute sebenarnya) pergi ke kampung mencari durian. seorang bernama si-kacak-sopan-bergaya, si-peha-gebu-putih-melepak, si-cina-kacak-bersuara-seksi, dan seorang lagi bernama si-montel-suka-ketawa. maka berangkatlah mereka menaiki kenderaan bernama si kancil generasi kedua a.k.a viva kepunyaan si-peha-gebu-putih-melepak. berjalan punya berjalan, tibalah mereka di suatu desa digelar bota. lalu dibelilah durian 15 bijik dengan harga 30 riyal dari seorang tua yang menggelarkan dirinya tok (bile mase die jadi bapak kepada mak aku ntah). selesai jual-beli, maka pulanglah 4 jejaka tampan tadi dengan durian-durian penuh di buntut kenderaan, sambil menghirup bau yang semerbak harum sampai rasa ingin pitam dibuatnya oleh kerana bau yang teramat kuat itu.

dalam perjalanan pulang, lalulah mereka di sebuah sekolah pondok. besar juga kawasannya. lalu dibacakan signboard sekolah itu oleh si-kacak-sopan-bergaya, sambil menggenyeh-genyehkan mata, maklumlah tulisan rumi, susah benar mahu diejakan, kalau jawi senanglah sikit.

“universiti teknologi mara” baca si-kacak-sopan-bergaya dengan penuh tertib. ohh terkejutlah mereka berempat. universiti rupanya. sangkaan mereka bahawa sekollah itu sekolah pondek meleset sama sekali. timbullah idea, ntah dari siapa ntah, jom kita masuk dalam uitm ni, dengarnya ada pasar malam. maka di u turnlah si viva oleh si-peha-gebu-putih-melepak menuju kedalam uitm tersebut.


upon arrival at the guard house, the pakgad ask us, nak pegi mane ni dik? atm. and he ask our driver to left his ic at the guard house and take the visitors pass. one of the gurad approach us and tell us that visitors with short pants are not actually allowed to get into the campus. we didn’t know that, so with muka tak malu, we gamble driving into the uitm campus. we pass several residential college. no heading point, just wondering around, and at last we arrived at the pasar malam inside the campus.

waa ada pasar malam dalam kampus tuuu!!! with the number of student nearly 5000, the management of uitm had the initiative to organize a pasar malam for their student and staff. it was a good step towards good student welfare. compare to other university campus, this is the first time i saw such things happened. it was really conviniet for the student to get supplies and some extra special food instead of having regular canteen food inside the campus.

as we walk along the pasar malam (the pasar malam was located on a major road between the mens and womens college, and it snakes along it), i am observing the trend and characteristic of the student of uitm. as we are stepping out of the car, i can see no one wears short pants. short pants are not allowed in the campus. seriously, this facts shocked us. i am trying very hard, and even bet with them if i can find anyone wears shorts. the result, nobody. in my campus, you can wear anything, or even undress if you wish to. nobody cares about what you are wearing. that is one good point of being a part of uitm’s family. they abide the rules, thus it create a good enviroment of discipline and life. every one was looking at us, and it is soo obvious that we are someone from outside because of awang’s short pants.

the tabulation of population in that campus is also very uneven. all lands were flocked by women. for every one man, there are 5 women. this is my random guess, since the pasar malam was besieging by women. maybe some of their men didn’t go to the pasar, but that’s the figure based on my observation that time. it is true when newspapers and tv articulately shouts about women takes over men in ipt.

in my university, you can only find a few types of people. type here means style and appearence. but in that campus, i can see hundreds of dressing styles, and types of people. uitm was very multi-cultural. the are people who dress to kill, with expensive shirt and pants, while others were wearing normal and humble baju kurung. some of them have artist-saloon hair, but some have curly-dry hair. there are hip-hoppers, ustaz-ustazah style, and even some man-turn-into-woman groups. it is very special to have all kinds of people studying under one roof like in uitm.


dalam perjalanan balik, setelah selesai membeli air dan cendawan goreng yang sedap katenye, si-peha-gebu-putih-melepak was being admonished by a guy.

awak dari mana ni? student ke?ade ambil pas pelawat tadi?berapa nombor pas? banyak pulak tanye orang itu.

saya dari luar. ade. no 17. sy tau kat sini tak boleh pakai seluar pendek kan (jujur sungguh die menjawab).

malas melayan orang itu, kami terus memblahkan diri. rasa-rasanya, lelaki itu adalah salah seorang dari mahaguru di sekolah pondok itu. si-peha-gebu-putih-melepak marah-marah, tapi ada benarnya kata-kata lelaki itu. semua orang pun akan curios, tiba-tiba ada orang berjalan dalam uitm memakai seluar pendek, dengan kaki putih melepak dan gebu, kalau perempuan tidak jadi masalah, tapi lelaki masalahnya. kami meneruskan perjalanan pulang. si-montel-suka-ketawa ditugaskan mengambil kembali ic tadi, kerana si-peha-gebu-putih-melepak sudah takut mahu turun dari vivanya. si-montel-suka-ketawa pulak disoal siasat di pondok guard itu. lantaklah, taubat sudah kami mahu datang ke sekolah pondok itu lagi, melainkan ada urusan hidup mati. kami pulang dengan seribu pengalaman, dan kenangan melawat ke utim, sambil memikirkan betapa uniknya setiap tempat belajar itu, dengan budaya dan suasana yang mampu menceriakan hari-hari…

pesanan: tajuk tiada kaitan sangat sebenarnya, tapi kami membeli durian dan membawa ia masuk ke uitm

isn’t it obvious? sungguh aneh kerana tidak seorang pon berseluar pendek kecuali si-peha-gebu-putih-melepak

10 responses to this post.

  1. hahhaha…very the funny~ matila xde kaitan ngn tajuk tuh…

    mcm best je pengalamn tuh…huhu ..tp aku da abes ngn study~ keje la plak


  2. hah? 15 biji durian 30rm je?
    Beli kat mana tuh?
    Aku beli durian haritu untuk FYP aku ni, 5 biji RM60 T_T
    Untung gila dah pakcik kereta Iswara Merah tu =(
    Kulit dia korang buang ke????


  3. Posted by nirzan on July 16, 2008 at 1:36 pm

    beli di kampung aku
    kulit die ktrg buang je la dlm tong kat luar rumah..


  4. Posted by awang on July 16, 2008 at 11:57 pm

    kughang hajo ko pam..
    tolong la bersyukur sket putih-gebu-melepak k..
    daripada hitam-legam-berkilat-bagaikan-arang-tak-selera-nk-tengok…
    mane ko prefer!!??


  5. Posted by nirzan on July 17, 2008 at 3:18 am

    haii ade orang terase ke
    btw, aku pon kdg2 naik stim tgk peha-putih-gebu itu hahaha


  6. Posted by lelaki kacak bawah bilik ko on July 17, 2008 at 10:41 am

    this is the freaking funniest post dari ko.
    “kelakar la anak dr. rashid ni”


  7. Alahai ingatkan ade lagi.
    Lain kali sape makan durian simpan kulit please!
    Malas nak beli durian baru utk FYP ni haa.


  8. Posted by nirzan on July 18, 2008 at 2:26 am

    lelaki-kacak-bawah bilik:
    thanks for the compliment, btw i am proud to be anak dr rashid wahaha

    hoho baik2, jgn riso, kalo nak kulit je sure boleh


  9. Posted by una on May 7, 2011 at 12:26 am

    =) haha


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